Speed up WordPress theme with Cloudflare – Full Guide

The article guides you to configure Cloudflare to speed up your website. This is my personal experience. So if better configurable, let me know.

Step1: Creating a Cloudflare account and adding a website

Step2: Setting up the Cloudflare WordPress plugin

2.1 Install the plugin

2.2 From your WordPress admin, go to Settings , Cloudflare and enter your API key and your email address.

2.3 Get Global API Key Or API Token here

Step3: Cloudflare Settings


If you don’t have HTTPS on your site yet (i.e. you don’t have an SSL certificate), you will need to choose the Flexible option (although I recommend you have HTTPS enabled before setting up Cloudflare). If by enabling this option you have a problem indicating “too many redirects”, this wordpress plugin should fix your problem.
If your site is already under HTTPS, you should be able to choose the Full (strict) option.

3.2 File Size Optimization

Auto Minify
Rocket Loader

3.3 Page Rules

  1. https://yourwebsite.com/* => Cache Level: Cache Everything
  2. https://yourwebsite.com/wp* => Security Level: High, Cache Level: Bypass
  3. https://*yourwebsite.com/* => Always Use HTTPS